Best Snacks to Boost Immunity of School Students

Nowadays where more than half of the world is patiently waiting for the covid-19 vaccine there scientist, doctors and many people are keep on searching the best vaccine to get rid of the corona. This virus affects the health of those people and students who don’t have a good immune system or who are weak in terms of health. Due to covid each person and the child wants to increase the immunity and for that he prefers to have an immune build breakfast. To make your body and mind healthy good breakfast completes your day and for that today I would like to indulge students through numerous types of breakfast that they can have before starting school.Click here for more details about schools in gurgaon

Here are some of the best snacks which will help to build the immune system strong for both parents and children

Raisins – Raisins are best to take in breakfast as they are naturally sweet. They are dried grapes, which is produced in many regions of the world. Despite their small size, they are very effective for our body, rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins.

They help to boots the iron levels, keep the bones strong and provide a lot of energy. Also, empty raisin water adds glow to the face. If students develop a habit of eating raisins daily then it will improve their mental performance.

Sweet potatoes – These are the world grown starchy root vegetables and are sweet. With a different colour like orange, purple, white and size they form uniqueness. They are rich in antioxidant, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They help to promote gut health and also consist of cancer fight properties. Eating sweet potatoes increases eye vision and enhances brain function. It also helps to fight against the bacteria which are not good for the internal organs.

Bell Peppers – They are the fruits that belong to the nightshade family. They come from the relative family members say chilli peppers, tomatoes. In the local market, one can find these in Red, Green and Yellow colour. Red peppers provide the maximum nutrition, green harvested before they turn yellow, orange and then red. The red peppers have 11 times beta-carotene and 1.5 times more vitamin C as compared to green bell peppers.

Fortified Cereal – When it comes to making fast and easy breakfast in the morning then fortified cereal breakfast falls in this category. These foods contain the vitamins and minerals which are not found in them.  A process involved where the level of particular nutrients increases. With the presence of zinc, Vitamin D, iron and folate this one helps to build the immune system strong. Best cereal breakfast is porridge, no added sugar or salt muesli, bran flakes, corn flakes, muesli with added sugar and granola with dried fruit.


Sliced Apple – To make the morning good always eat an apple. If you don’t like the taste of it then try to eat with peanut butter. I would suggest you that do not peel off the apple skin as it has quercetin which helps to fight against the infections. Just slice the whole apple into pieces and apply peanut butter as supports the immune to fight against the germs. It is a source of zinc and manganese. So make your habit to eat an apple every day.

Ginger Tea – Tea is famous especially during winters in India and the people who love tea they will take a sip in the morning. Tea contains polyphenols and flavonoids, antioxidants which may keep the immune system healthy. While making tea grate some ginger and add it to your tea. It will keep your body protected from cold and cough. To add some spice you can have it with lemon, cinnamon and honey. Children in winter also prefer tea and their parents love to support them for such anti-inflammatory herbal drink.

Smoothies – These are considered as one of the healthiest breakfast in the morning. Keeping the right ingredients in the right proportions makes a perfect smoothie that you fit and happy all day. When you are looking for a healthy breakfast then try to prepare a smoothie in which the presence of sugar is low and protein, fiber remains high so you feel good heavy breakfast.

Breakfast is the first meal or you can say the starting meal of the day. Breakfast comes from the word break and fast means the overnight fasting period. It helps to refill your glucose level which is down in the morning to charge your body with all minerals and vitamins that your body needs to think act and work all day. It boosts your energy level and makes your mind alert. Good breakfast leads to better results such as better performance in the classroom, better understanding to act and improves the focus as what all the mind needs it has and it will help to transmit signals to make the body function appropriately.

Students of a school in Gurgaon also need to control their body weight as it may affect the health and creates numerous health issues at a very young age. They should keep their cholesterol level low so they could attend classes daily. By following a healthy diet they not only set an example for the juniors and other people but also help and guide others that what is the essential and important nutrients for a human body.


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