Discover the Possible Psychological Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is the premature release of semen into your penis during intercourse. When premature ejaculation occurs too quickly, usually much faster than you or the other sex partner want, it is called premature ejaculation (PE). PE is often considered to be a serious sexual dysfunction. In fact, in some surveys reported, 50% of males have experienced this issue at some point and may experience it again in their lifetimes. Click here for more details about 壯陽藥

This problem is most common among younger men. It is caused by psychological reasons, such as anxiety and stress. With proper treatment however, premature ejaculation can be successfully treated. Many physicians advise men suffering from this condition to practice controlling the rhythm and pressure of intercourse in order to prolong the sexual activity. There are also many treatment methods available for premature ejaculation.

One treatment method that is quite popular is the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs. These medications are also used to treat Peyronie's disease, which is a cause of premature ejaculation. Commonly, these SSRIs available on the market today are sildenafil, vardenafil, and Viagra.

Other SSRIs that are sometimes used as a treatment for premature ejaculation include fluoxetine and prenpro. Doctors believe that both SSRIs work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain which then reduces feelings of distress in males during sexual activity. However, there are also some reports stating that serotonin depletion may lead to distress. The exact effects of each drug however, is still undergoing clinical trials.

There are also other possible psychological causes of peyronie's disease. One of them is hypoglycemia. Patients with hypoglycemia may experience premature ejaculation because of low levels of blood sugar. For males with this condition, it is best to consult with their doctor regarding the effect of Peyronie's disease and any alternatives that can be used to treat it. Sometimes treating hypoglycemia may not eliminate PE completely; therefore it is best to treat the psychological causes of the disease to get rid of the PE altogether.

In ending, doctors say that there is no definite treatment for premature ejaculation. Treatments can either be preventive measures or used to delay ejaculation until later. Preventive measures include avoiding substances and foods that trigger early ejaculating, such as nicotine and alcohol. Delaying ejaculating can be treated by taking supplements that help increase endurance as well as other herbal remedies.


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