Premature Ejaculation - How To Treat And Cure It

Premature ejaculation (PE) is when you reach orgasm not more than a minute or less after starting sex. There's no definite time period when a guy should ejaculate just before sex, but when you ejaculate before sexual satisfaction is achieved, your partner and you may feel that there's no time left to enjoy it sexually. Fortunately, premature ejaculation is a condition that is easily treated. Here are some of the most effective ways to end PE completely.

You can take antidepressants with serotonergic properties called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs. These can help to normalize your sexuality by regulating your brain chemical levels. However, they can also cause premature ejaculation, as well as other sexual side effects like dizziness, nausea, upset stomach, and chills. The SSRIs known as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil and Celexa can be taken by anyone, even though it can be dangerous to combine it with other drugs like alcohol or muscle relaxers. Click here for more details about 日本藤素

Premature ejaculation can also be caused by an infection of the penis, urethra or bladder, hormonal changes due to taking conventional drugs or side effects of some herbs or vitamins. In the rare case that ejaculation is caused by a tumor, surgery may be needed. Some men have sperm vessels that run directly from the testes to the prostate; others have ducts that supply seminal fluid to the prostate. Tumors can compress or block these ducts, causing urine to be held in the bladder longer than usual or discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Another side effect of some medications can cause premature ejaculation, especially those that are taken for depression, anxiety disorders, high blood pressure, epilepsy and respiratory problems. These medications affect brain chemistry and control organs like the heart, liver, kidneys and bladder. It is very important that any of these disorders be treated promptly, as they can cause significant distress to a male and his partner. Some physicians will try to treat the dysfunction with a combination of a drug and therapy, or a course of a combination of drugs and therapy.

The most common treatment for premature ejaculation is to delay penetration until your partner would like you to ejaculate. There are two ways this can be accomplished: you can either delay your ejaculation until you are near the point of ejaculation or you can stop intercourse completely. Most males who want their partners to reach the point of orgasm earlier take the latter approach. However, many men feel that they cannot go back and have sex again once they have reached the point of climax, because once you have ejaculated, that is the end of that activity. If you choose to stop intercourse, the goal is to delay your ejaculation so that your partner would like to see you finish.

Premature ejaculation is not only embarrassing to you, but it can also have serious psychological effects on your partner's intimacy in the relationship. It is important that if you have this condition that you find out what is causing it, and that you get treatment. Premature ejaculation is usually caused by psychological or physical issues. If it is a physical problem, treating it with a medication may solve your problem. For psychological issues, like low self esteem, it is more important that you get help from a trained professional. A psychologist or a sexual health professional can evaluate your relationship problems and help you address your concerns about premature ejaculation.


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